Our Services

Exec Mail CC is a consulting-oriented company, fulfilling in the market need for a professional, customer-focused computer company. Our services include:

About Exec Mail

Our company emphasizes service and support to differentiate itself from more price-oriented computer companies

Flexible and responsive

We are flexible and responsive; we please our clients by providing them with what they want, when they want it, and before the competition can offer it. We achieve this through a solutions approach that is customer-centric, and in which the customer's business objectives enjoy top priority

Cost effective ways

Leading edge products and best-of-industry skills are applied to design and develop the client's business in the most cost effective ways

Custom-designed services

Our business resolves around the need to provide quality products and services to our customers. This is undertaken through the establishment of a professional team and the provision of quality, custom-designed services, catering to the client's particular needs


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Our current specials

We currently have the following specials on our products and services

For more info please contact us


011 893 0298


For more info, please contact us

Feel free to contact our highly trained staff today!

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